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WATCHOUT 6 Public Beta

Mike Fahl

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Here's the WATCHOUT 6 public beta:




Download and install as usual. While it is possible to install this on top of an older version 5 installation, you may want to keep both versions around for now. The procedure for doing so is described in another forum posing titled "WO6 and WO5 on the same computer".


IMPORTANT: Any show saved with WATCHOUT 6 will not open in WATCHOUT 5. Thus, make sure you keep backup copies of older shows that you may still  want to use with version 5.


We have not yet updated the manual for version 6. To get you started, I have produced a couple of demo videos introducing some of the new concepts. Those are found here:




While this version has received quite extensive internal and external beta testing, it is still a beta version, and is likely to contain bugs. You may want to think twice before using this on a real show. It is primarily intended for you to get acquainted with version 6 and to provide feedback on any problems you may run into. If you encounter anything you consider as a bug, please provide all details needed to reproduce the problem to support@dataton.com for further investigation.


If you have any questions related to this version, just post as a follow-up right here so others can benefit from the answers. We'll do our very best to answer your questions.



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I ran a quick test and first of all, thank you very much for the output image on geometry correction. This will save many hours :)!

And there is also a little bug, the output image on the geometry correction window sometimes loses parts of the image (edge or edges appear black)



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Kaarlek, thanks for the feedback. I would appreciate if you could report any bugs you find to support@dataton.com, to make sure they're not overlooked as we move forward to a release version. Whenever possible, include show file, media, etc needed to reproduce the problem, along with a step-by-step description. Also, if the problem is intermittent, mention that also.



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Can this beta run with existed V.5 keys at least for a limited time?


We would like to test new supported codecs in the first place.


Thank you



No, v5 only keys will not enable v6.

However, you can test codecs in production preview without a license.

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No, v5 only keys will not enable v6.

However, you can test codecs in production preview without a license.


Thank you, jfk.


Unfortunately this is not an option for us.

We need to see the results pixel accurate on sycnhronised outputs running on media servers.


it would be a great idea of some temporary keys for this kind of tests. 


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Thank you, jfk.


Unfortunately this is not an option for us.

We need to see the results pixel accurate on sycnhronised outputs running on media servers.


it would be a great idea of some temporary keys for this kind of tests. 



Temporary keys are not going to happen. Never have, never will.


If you can not purchase keys for the purpose,

then I suggest you partner with an integrator or dealer

who has invested in supporting WATCHOUT properly.


You do not indicate your location, if you are in the US or Canada,

I can hook you up with a partner who can help you out.

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Those are mainly intended for external control through the network control protocol. While you can control MIDI and DMX inputs that way too, it feels unnatural to use those if all you want to do is controlling them using network commands only.



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How is the update to v6 made on the Watchpax ?


First off, the WATCHPAX or WATCHPAX 2 license must be ready for v6.

If you are electronically upgrading your WATCHPAX license,

you will need to use v5.5.1 or v5.5.2 on production to perform the WATCHPAX license update.

(WATCHPAX 2 purchased in 2015 should already be v6 ready,

you can check this with the License Manager in WATCHOUT Production v5.5.1 or v5.5.2).


Once the license is prepared for v6,

load the v6 software on your production machine,

open a show that addresses the WATCHPAX and

go online.

You will be asked if it is ok to update the WATCHPAX,

confirm this dialog, and WATCHOUT will do the rest.

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... if V6 dongle purchase is made available to use the Beta in online mode? ...


v5/v6 WATCHOUT License (USB keys) and WATCHPAX 2 with v5/v6 are available, i.e.

  all new licenses and WATCHPAX 2 include both v5 and v6 support.

Electronic upgrades of older v5 USB keys and older WATCHPAX / WATCHPAX 2 are also available.


New v5/v6 keys, new v5/v6 WATCHPAX 2, and upgrades have been available since January 2015.

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What are the differences between "add String Output" and "add Generic Variable" ????


String output sends the string you enter in the cue to an IP connection.


I am also curious to learn more about the new Output - Generic Variable.

Could not find a mention in the release notes, could not find it in the online academy stuff either,

 but I have had trouble finding stuff that was there in the past.


Output - Generic Variable does not output to any external connection,

and it appears it only stores a numeric value.

A cue to an Output - Generic Variable has a fade tween,

and it even animates the fades in the Output window Value field.


I could not use it as a value in the variable formula of a tween track.

But it is accepted as an argument in the Task Trigger field,

I could see some uses for that.

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Here's an updated Beta version. This contains numerous fixes mainly related to 3D objects, Dynamic Omages and Image Sequence playback. We're still tweaking Image Sequence playback, but you can begin testing this new feature with this beta.




As always, if you find something that doesn't seem to work properly, send a simple example show file with instructions on how to reproduce the problem to support@dataton.se. If you have any questions on how to use particular features, feel free to post here on the forum.



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The "Generic Variable" Output is mainly intended for use in Task trigger conditions. A new feature in WO6 is that you can use both Inputs and (numeric) Outputs in trigger conditions (previously only Inputs could be used). A Generic Variable can be set using a cue, and then subsequently used as part of a trigger condition, allowing you to build mutually exclusive conditions, and similar constructs, controllable from within WATCHOUT itself. Since such an "output" isn't really tied to any physical output device, it acts more like a "variable" that can be set and used only internally. In a way, it's the Output window's equivalent of the "Generic Input" in the Input window.


Hope this helps. Yes, I know it's a bit geeky, but may be occasionally useful to create some basic forms of internal logic.



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Am I correct in assuming that this beta is 32-bit only? Installer doesn't want to run on x64 Win8 ("This app can't run on your PC" error)


Definitely not, 64 bit Windows OS is fine.

That does not sound like an accurate description of the error message.

Is this the error message you are seeing?

BTW the information in this message is meaningless, as often is the case with error messages.



If so, here is the solution: 5.2 installation issue (MacOS)

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Here's an updated Beta version. This contains numerous fixes mainly related to 3D objects, Dynamic Omages and Image Sequence playback. We're still tweaking Image Sequence playback, but you can begin testing this new feature with this beta.




As always, if you find something that doesn't seem to work properly, send a simple example show file with instructions on how to reproduce the problem to support@dataton.se. If you have any questions on how to use particular features, feel free to post here on the forum.





do you think v6 will be realeased for beginning june ?



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Hi mike.


you sad ..


the "generic Variable" output is mainly intended for use in task trigger conditions.


if i want play 'SHOW' auxailiary timeline. for now, i'm using 'tell timeline ' in control cue.


so... what' difference between 'tell timeline' in control cue and generic variale function?

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Yes, the Control cue method works well for triggering one timeline from another. The "Generic Variable" can be used to provide a condition for an external trigger, so that the external trigger will ONLY fire if a specific Generic Variable also is set. This allows you to create some controllable internal logic, using the && "and" operator (since the value of Generic Variable can be controlled by a cue).


Hope this helps.



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Congratulations on a great new release.I love the new interface and the geometry window with media is extremely useful.

 One thing I had hoped to see in the new release was an option to place aux timelines in folders, like in the media window. I run so many these days that it is a chore looking for the right one sometimes. Yes I still use production to run shows.It works for me. When you are creating content in coffee breaks it is the only way to go.

 Also colour coding of timelines would also be very useful.

Great work!


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