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Watchout Display not on every Screen


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In the Display's Properties popup window, there is a choice to 'disable'/untick the Display concerned.



Just to be clear though, the 'unticked' Display will not return control back to the user when in online mode. It will just remain black, same as if no content had been assigned to it.


If you had meant whether, after unticking 'Use the display' in Display Properties, the Windows desktop for example could be accessed whilst the rest of the displays are in fullscreen Watchout mode, then screenshaper is correct in that the answer is 'No'.


Not a workaround, but for convenience sake, you could connect a desktop monitor to Output 1, and the projectors to Outputs 2, 3 & 4 and assign content to those. Windows desktop will always appear on Output 1 as the Primary Monitor whenever not in Watchout online mode. Convenient for work.

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  • Dataton Partner

I suppose the above reactions are all right, however, what is your exact question? You can have as many displays "perform" as you like by disabling or not assigning the unused outputs of the display machine BUT I don't think it's possible to then use those outputs for another application.

If you start the display software it will open on all outputs wether you use them or not within production software. Unused displays will just remain black.

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is it possible to run Watchout Display not on every connected Display ? I have four Output Plugs at my Graphicsadapter, an i just want to start Watchout Display on three of them..


Thanks for yor help.




Under normal conditions, any graphics card output that is not connected will automatically be disabled.

So if you just plug in three displays on a four output card, 

it will act like a three output card - no problem.

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So the way i need it, its not possible. I just want to start watchout display on three of my four outputs and use the last output to show some hardware graphs to find a bottleneck in my system..






When WATCHOUT enters full screen mode,

all outputs can be part of that full screen rendering or nothing at all.

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So the way i need it, its not possible. I just want to start watchout display on three of my four outputs and use the last output to show some hardware graphs to find a bottleneck in my system..





However, if those graphs can be logged, it can continue to run under the Watchout software such that when you quit Watchout Display (Ctrl-Q), you can then view the graphs or log. Depending on how much overheads your graphing software takes up, it may or may not affect the performance of Watchout Display.



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