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Playing video backwards - automatic cue countdown


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Nooo please...dont let it became a vj player : )


Honestly i would appreciate more complex functions* than reverse playback. Wich is usefull only on scenografic animated backdrop wich usually last few minutes and are quick to be re encoded in reverse from editing software.


*any automatic countdown for each media clip in the work?

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Re: countdown:


It's sort of already possible, if one uses WATCHOUT Systems Manager instead

of Production, at playback.




yep true, but i dont find it comfortable to use the SysManag. during complex live show as small jumping could occur.

I always have requests from show callers and directors regarding a proper countdow for each media clip.

I usually try to solve it by creating a sort of images sequence layer with -30 seconds countdown, but it can only help if you have time for editing. Usually the last minute changes cant be updated and its annoying not having a precise countdown, but most of all, it doesnt look "professional" to their eyes. That are also a sort of "clients" eyes.


This is one if the smaller but most important implentation in my personal list in order to get the directors (and also myself) happier to use watchout.



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To be specific, the automatic cue count down is part of WATCHOUT Remote (WOremote),

one of (WATCHMan) WATCHOUT System Manager's utiliities.


yep true, but i dont find it comfortable to use the SysManag. during complex live show as small jumping could occur.

That is supported by WATCHOUT Remote. With simple control cue tags in your timlines,

you can mark any point for quick and accurate jumping from WATCHOUT Remote.

Or you can jump to any time by simply typing it in.


I always have requests from show callers and directors regarding a proper countdow for each media clip.

WATCHOUT Remote does that quite well.

Of course, you define what a 'media clip' is in your timeline programming.


I usually try to solve it by creating a sort of images sequence layer with -30 seconds countdown, but it can only help if you have time for editing. Usually the last minute changes cant be updated and its annoying not having a precise countdown,

Another of WATCHOUT Remote's strengths, it will adjust to such changes automatically.


but most of all, it doesnt look "professional" to their eyes. That are also a sort of "clients" eyes.

Everyone has there own concept of what looks professional.

If you don't like the way WATCHOUT remote displays the information,

you are free to modify the interface to your liking.

WATCHOUT Remote is open source and a great starting point for a custom interface.


And you can run multiple WATCHOUT Remote or similar apps on the network.

In the Show Sage WATCHOUT Training seminar, when we cover WATCHOUT Remote,

we have had as many as four WATCHOUT Remote connections active,

and actions on one are reflected in all.


If there is indeed a widespread need for such customization,

sounds like a marketing opportunity for someone. ;)

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hi jfk,

thanks for your support but honestly i dont like to manage a live event by the Remote interface.

I find it very usefull for stands or fixed installation. But not for a live event where last time shit usually happens and where u need to scroll the timeline to check when and where u have to jump. In my old and poor beloved Europe we are used to make a 6 screens convention in 2 days, includinf flights. Time is a big issue sometimes.

I use watchout from 2000 and I love it with no doubt, but i think that some tweaking has to be pushed more aggressively, like for example the ROTATION cue that has been added so much in late in my opinion. Hope that a proper countown will not arrive too much in late as well.

If it will ever arrive.


This is not a negative critic to Dataton wich im really faithfull to, but a positive critic from a user that has to fight with directors who seems almost tired by Dataton leader technology and try to attract clients by new systems. In this case, any small defect became bigger.


And i think that a proper clip countdown should be a standard nowadays.



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  • 2 weeks later...
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I have to completely agree with Makkot...


I hear this on almost every show I do with WatchOUT:


"why can't it do a countdown? that's a basic function..."


And another producer/director is now looking for something else.


I also agree that running a show from WatchOUT Remote is not my favorite.


I often have to make changes DURING a show... crazy I know, but that's the world I live in.


Corporate show people are used to Beta tape and PowerPoint. The former allows for very simple countdowns and the former extremely fast changes...


I am not sure why Makkot is scrolling through the timeline to find where to jump to instead of breaking it down into Tasks that can run at anytime... and if you break it down far enough it also allows for very quick changes.


I almost never use the Main Timeline. I do 99% of my playback from Aux Timelines... The Task window allows for non-linear playback of every cue assuming you clear the way through the stacking order properly...


I keep a series of play-through cue points that are properly spaced for (2) 1 minute intervals with 30 second, 15 second and 10 second indicators to help me countdown a playback.


Is it possible to run WO Remote for the countdown while controlling the show through Production? I know you can do multiple WO Remotes but will this conflict with Production while in show mode?


I would buy another laptop simply for watching the Countdown!



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I hear this on almost every show I do with WatchOUT:

"why can't it do a countdown? that's a basic function..."

It would be interesting to hear what you think of how this countdown should work. I can think of a number of options:
  • A new "countdown" cue, where you determine the duration of the countdown by the length of the cue, along with some text to be shown during the countdown.
  • An attribute that can be attached to any cue, stating that it should have a count down ahead of it (possibly along with the duration of said countdown).
  • Using a composition as a countdown, allowing you to display the countdown on any WATCHOUT display (this you can do already, actually).
Finally, where should the countdown be displayed? Only on screen in the WATCHOUT production software (e.g. in the Status window), on an external display, on a control device (e.g. and iPad)?


Getting some good thoughts here would hopefully allow us to come up with a solution that most of you guys would be happy with.

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Oh please no not an iPad... Waste of technology.


The "countdown cue" is an interesting idea...


The only times I need a countdown is when we are playing a specific linear video like an opening or part of a presentation.


When I think about it real quick in the middle of this setup that I'm on I am not at my best ... but being able to set a media piece properties to "requires countdown" and then have a countdown that follows the time marker and shows up within the visual strip that represents the clip itself...


Kind of hard to explain...


The composition as a countdown is something I already do although I have to set it up per clip with some effort. A quick radio box to turn on/off a countdown would be nice.


Because I so heavily use Aux Timlines maybe allowing for the Aux Timeline time counters to count down to a specific cue marker instead of counting total run time, as an option... this would totally cover at least -my- needs for a countdown...

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  • Dataton Partner

"countdown cue"


It will be nice to see a"countdown cue" that has some logic inside, that can be used - in addition to what already written above - to trigger other AUX timelines (which is helpful for external devices, etc'...) And of-course the safety way for a free running cue ;)

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Thank you Mike

im really happy that you consider the countdown function a worth to be considered option.


In my personal experience, coming from beta player and matrox mayself as well , the most common idea of a countdown is really simple and looking like tha actual "STATUS/Main Timeline Position" or "Timecode Position" visualization.

For sure that would perfectly fit the corporate shows im used to deal with.


Having a flag default ON on the "Video Cue" shell would allow to decide if having the countdown displayed in that type of window.

Wich can come in hand also during complex timecode based shows, in wich you have to compare the external timecode with the relative medias durations for cue arrangements and fine tunings.


The time to be counted should obviously match the real duration, I mean including "InTime" and duration changes (this is complicating the duration result, wich now is not updated in the video cue information when "in time" is edited...true..but needed)



This would be the best countdown for me: no extra PC, no extra license (sorry : ) and flexible usage (for both corporate and fixed installations or shows).

Everything in the same production computer monitor. As watchout players, we are asked for countdown for next cues, stand by events or simple reminders. Please give me the chance to always give precise answers...we are called to promote the watchout standard and reliability, wich has improved so much year after year.

Im sure it will be a very appreciated feature among control rooms people.




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As watchout players, we are asked for countdown for next cues, stand by events or simple reminders.



With the wide variety of use cases suggested by you as well as other posters, my feeling is that a separate "countdown cue" would be the best option. Possibly combined with some general-purpose "note cue" concept, allowing you to specify what the count down refers to. With the result appearing in a Status window panel (this could allow for having multiple note/countdown panes open for different purposes).



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Hi Mike,


I agree that a separate type of control cue would be the most useful. With media cues, we often use an 'in time' setting and perhaps also fade out before the end, so it would be useful to be able to add a new control cue at an arbitrary point in the timeline and then extend its duration to the length desired. If we could rename the Cue and see the name show up in the Status window alongside the timecode, and maybe have the option to count up or down, I think that would cover most use cases - and be extremely useful.



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If there were to be a new timer / countdown cue,

an option to target a control cue for duration

would seem a flexible way to auto adjust a countdown

when lengthening or shortening cues.

In most cases that would be the pause for the next cue,

but certainly not limited to that. ;)

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With the wide variety of use cases suggested by you as well as other posters, my feeling is that a separate "countdown cue" would be the best option. Possibly combined with some general-purpose "note cue" concept, allowing you to specify what the count down refers to. With the result appearing in a Status window panel (this could allow for having multiple note/countdown panes open for different purposes).




yes Mike,

totally agree, that would be amazing for us (users) and damn usefull for directors, if not literally seducing them, giving the opportunity to recall shows hints at the right time.


(already dreaming about this, thank you)

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