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Stereoscopic setup


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No, I don't think so.

The content for 3D TV:s is mainly made for Active glasses and 120Hz. ...

While that is certainly true, that may be changing.

Vizio is making a hard US advertising push during the holiday season

for its 65-inch polarized consumer 3D 120Hz LCD (LED backlight)

that works with polarized passive glasses.



WATCHOUT 5 supports passive 3D/Stereoscopy, Infitec or polarized, 1 file per eye/per screen output.


There is the rub. There is no unique standard to provide 3D source to display signals.

WATCHOUT only supports discrete left eye / right eye outputs - 2 outputs for one 3D image.

Primarily useful for projection, where two projectors are used to display 3D content.

WATCHOUT does not offer the ability to

combine the two discrete 1080p60 renderings into one 3D interleaved 1080p120 output.


Then the question becomes,

is there a conversion device that can accept two 1080p60 DVI connections,

and interleave them to output one 3D 1080p120 signal to a 3D TV?


A related question is,

what do I do when my client's broadcast ad agency provides

one 3D 120Hz file for use in the 3D WATCHOUT show?

Anyone know of a utility that will convert such a file to seperate left eye / right eye files?

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...Anyone know of a utility that will convert such a file to seperate left eye / right eye files?


Interesting. I do not have 3D files nor a Datapath E2 to test, but I wonder if the shareware Stereoscopic Player from http://3dtv.at/Index_en.aspx can be used to split such a file, output via a dual out graphics card, capture live into a E2 Datapath feeding Watchout, and back out again to a Watchout Display PC. Rather a roundabout way, and probably with some loss in quality, I would think, but might be the only solution in realtime when the situation calls for it.


Thomas Leong

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Here was the solution I did that "sort of" worked. Better on some content than others.

1 layer = left

1 layer = right

I put the same image on both layers, scaled to 200% on the X and 100% on the Y

Overlaid the 2 files by sight, using lighten overlay to line up.


I then found that I had to move one layer forward on the z axis and then adjust the eye distance until it looked good. (after reading the manual again)

Once I achieved that, I just pasted other content onto that file.


A little convoluted, but it did work pretty well.


The BIG question I have now to explore is what is the optimal Z axis separation for content, stereoscopic or not, and what eye distance works best.


Would be nice to have a thread that we can post about Z axis separation and eye distance that helps all exploring this amazing feature.

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I'm not sure what you mean by "Z-axis separation". But in terms of eye distance, the general rule of thumb is that you should have at most about 6 cm difference between right/left image on screen. When you do the separation in WATCHOUT (that is, for content positioned in 3D space in WATCHOUT), this is easy to adjust until it feels right. For pre-produced video, this is harder, since the separation is then "burnt" into the video form the outset (determined by the camera separation used to shoot the video).

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  • 1 month later...
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We're working on a stereoscopic project for which we want to use the Barco DP4K-32B projector with the necessary 3D add-ons, 2 x SMPTE 292M inputs and 2 x DVI inputs.

Is it correct that when we connect the video feed for the left eye to DVI input A and for the right eye to DVI input B, the projector combines both signals, doubles the refresh rate and takes care that the DVI input A is for example horizontally polarized and the DVI input B vertically polarized.

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  • 10 months later...

No, I don't think so.

The content for 3D TV:s is mainly made for Active glasses and 120Hz.

WATCHOUT 5 supports passive 3D/Stereoscopy, Infitec or polarized, 1 file per eye/per screen output.


Hey Folks,

we´ve an solution to get an 3D 1 Screen Projection, so left and right eye.. with all  effects from WO... to a regular 3D LCD.

Passiv or active. ( or 2 or 3 Screen Solution..)

Also we´ve got an workflow to serve the 3D stereoscopic file at the end .. on a USB Stick. Side by Side and so on...

And it is possible to import Side by Side or top-bottom files into watchout.

It is a little tricky, but it works.

If somebody is interested, contact us.




P.S. The best Displays are LG. Passive. Cheap Glasses.

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Sounds like a neat trick, only thing is that it's hard to lock/sync the two input (Datapath) cards together in WATCHOUT.

There is no equivalent to video genlock for DVI, as far as I know.




Agreed, on the WATCHOUT capture side, the capture cards have no genlock functions. Been thinking about that.

If the two sources can be genlocked, then the result would effectively be genlocked at the WATCHOUT / capture card interface.

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If I understand correct.


If the file is 3d side by side. Is already with the correct separation as it was ment to be.

So is enough to put divide the sides just crop it and put one side to play in one display ( if 3D  selected in the correct layer/tier) or play left in the left and right in the right. Is not needed to change the z depth if is already a 3D movie.




Adela Kriland

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