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Watchnet and WO Production concurrency problems


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Just discovered something weird, and I haven't been able to find anything in the documentation. I'm setting up a new show, and I'm including a browser panel created in Watchnet. I don't plan to use it with an Ipad, or any other mobile device, but as an extra control panel for one of the TV Directors on a PC. I discovered that when the Production machine is online, I can't control the cluster from my Watchnet panel. I have to put it offline, in order to get it working again. In my opinion that's a bug. So my question is, what limitations are there to external control of a cluster, regarding Watchout Production, Watchnet, Kinect etc.? And is there a way to work around these issues?


Cheers Christian



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When the production computer is online, it assumes full control over the display cluster. Thus. if you want the production computer in the system, you must control the production computer instead of attempting to control the cluster. While the production computer allows for external control, this is not supported by WATCHNET.

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So if I understand you correctly, the Production Computer can be externally controlled by whatever is possible. I get that Watchnet doesn't allow external control, but is it possible to get Watchnet to control the Production Computer? I've tested it, but not with success. 


Cheers Christian

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After a very thorough test, I've uncovered the following behavior. If you online a show from the Production computer, but off line afterwards, the show is then active on the cluster. Unfortunately the cluster still think that it's controlled by the Production computer, and doesn't allow Watchnet to take control. And the other way round. So before you start up, and online a show, you have to decide what ressource controls the cluster - Production or Watchnet. 


In a future upgrade of Watchout, and with the above in mind, I suggest that whenever a ressource disconnect from the cluster, the control can the be taken over directly by Watchnet, or the other way round. And that these kind of restraints are described in the manual too  ;)


Best regards Christian 

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See the WATCHNET User's Guide:




Specifically under "Reload Show". To make sure WATCHNET will take control over the show even if the same show was recently loaded by other means (e.g., the production software), mak sure you select “Force Reload”.

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  • 1 year later...

​i am use windows7 watchout5.5.2  licence 5,6 

for equipment i have production computer  and 4 display computer
i try to use watchnet but cannot [watchnet v1.3.1] 
i try to play on panel [i make 2 bottom] 2 timeline on bottom
but the screen run one by one that mean i push bottom one screen one is play
then  i push next bottom  screen two is play but screen one is stop
i see on the watchnet server it show  
an existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host watchnet dataton 
how can i sold it
thank you
songyost k.
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  • 2 weeks later...

As I understand it you run the latest official version of Watchnet, and a rather old version of Watchout. If I had same problem, I would make a test setup, with the latest Watchout version, to see if the problem were still there. Are you sure nothing else is connected to the Display PC's? I had a similar problem, and I discovered some one else were testing something against the same Display PC as me.


BTW I just heard that Dataton is about to release a new version of Watchnet, which can co-exist  with both Production PC's and Display PC's. Looking forward to the release :-)


Best regards Christian 

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another question on this topic:

is it possible to use watchent and watchout production on the same network while each of them is contorling a different cluster?


I am asking because we have permanent instalation with two clusters and they are mostly operated by watchnet. But there are sometimes special actions in the venue part of the instalation (one of the clusters) that requires production computer...


thanks for answer

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another question on this topic:

is it possible to use watchent and watchout production on the same network while each of them is contorling a different cluster?


I am asking because we have permanent instalation with two clusters and they are mostly operated by watchnet. But there are sometimes special actions in the venue part of the instalation (one of the clusters) that requires production computer...


thanks for answer

No problem.


Display PC/ Cluster can be only controlled by ONE MASTER at same time(Production or WatchNET or command line control).

and WatchNET can control multi cluster at same time.

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is it possible to use watchent and watchout production on the same network while each of them is contorling a different cluster?



Yes, that's fine. However, while WATCHNET can control any number of clusters, WATCHOUT production software can only control one cluster at a time. Obviously, you should not attempt to control the same cluster from both at the same time.



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  • 6 months later...

hi sir

i use watchout 6.1.6 to export bandle watchnet  

and i have a problem with loading to storing presentation  

i am load about 18-25% it stop work so many time (file .wob 10.5GB)

but if i load only 3.5 GB. it  ok no problem how i sold this problem

i am in thailand they have not dataton consultant in hear

thankyou for help asap.

songyost k.

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...i have a problem with loading to storing presentation  

i am load about 18-25% it stop work so many time (file .wob 10.5GB)

but if i load only 3.5 GB.


"Loading to store presentation" where? To USB Flash drive? To harddisk mounted in the desktop? To...????


At first glance, sounds like a FAT32 problem where the max is 4GB. Re-format the drive to NTFS to remove the limit.

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hi Thomas Leong

  i am Loading to store presentation  To harddisk mounted in the desktop pc [ production pc ]

now still problem , how many GB. maximum  for loading to watchnet they have limit or not

because my  job used  media about 3.5 GB. for each media i have 3 media

need to presentation

thankyou for information and need to help

songyost k.

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