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Hap codec v9 not working with Watchout

Pertti Jaasaari

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We just noticed that the latest release of Hap codec (v9) seems not to work with Watchout. Videos encoded with v9 produce either black or blue frame. Videos encoded with version 8 work just like expected. Encoding was done in Adobe Media Encoder CC2015 ( on Mac and PC. Can anyone else confirm this?


Pertti Jääsaari

Bright Finland

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I concur.  I was the source of that link posted above by Jim.  With Hap v8, Watchout played consistently.  Individual files were good, but there was consistently a problem with playing them in PreSplits.  The problem with 8 was the ENCODER was crashing on Windows.  He fixed this with v9 - but now the movies have issues in Watchout.  It was a bit inconsistent and hard to nail down - but I concur, there WERE issues.  Unfortunately I am not in front of any v6 keys to test more at the moment, but figured this info might help other identify (reproduce) the issue.  Here is some notes I had... wondering if Pertti has the same symptoms.


there was inconsistency I never worked out (I was not getting the same result every time it seemed).  In addition to the color issues on presplits.. some hap movies (both individuals and presplits) did not play at all.  No error… but when I would jump to that area of the timeline the movie would not play - kind of strange situation.  There is no error message.  If there is something already displayed (either from previous location on timeline or even the WO logo), the previous item REMAINS displayed, as though I never jumped the timeline to this area.  Very strange.

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There have been some issues with HapQ when used in a presplit. We believe most of the issues have been sorted out, and the fixes will be release soon, but please let us know if you find any strange behaviour. 

There have not been any changes in the Hap standard for the past few years, so the version numbers you are referring to are for a specific implementation of the Hap codec. However, looking through the changes from version 8 to 9 of this codec, there have been some changes that could affect the playback in Watchout. Work is in progress on the issue. I will let you know when the issue has been resolved. 



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Indeed, the problem was decoding the video. Hap v8 worked like expected. Videos encoded with HapQ v9 produced either blue (Mac) or black (Win) video of same file size, length and frame size as with HapQ v8. Re-installing v8 on top of v9 solved the problem. Unfortunately I did not have time to test if the problem was just with HapQ or did it affect Hap and HapA as well.



Pertti Jääsaari

Bright Finland

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  • 5 months later...
  • Dataton Partner

Hi All,


Is there a preferred audio codec for use in HAPQ ? 


If I use uncompressed audio (16/44.1 Stereo) the audio gets ahead of the video (only in playback in Watchout, using Quicktime is Ok)


If I use AAC with the same settings, the audio remains in sync throughout the clip. Is the use of AAC still not advised? 



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  • 2 weeks later...

Watchout 6.1.2, HAP v11 and also tested with brand new v12 (but the HAP version shouldn't make any difference).

I can use and play a HAP file but I can't use the same files when they are in a proxy. From within the proxy I see very strange manly green decoding.



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As Erik said above, all files in same format - including the preview file.  I was having some issues with the preview file being H264 (seems like a logical thing to do), but that was screwing up the presplits sometime.  I think there may also have been an issue that I was using a utility I wrote to generate the PreSplit via making a clipboard to paste in.  The original source of the clipboard was a presplit from a previous version, and that caused a problem.


Try creating a brand new pre-split - ensure all files are same codec (Q or notQ) - with no preview file.


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I have checked this, all Files are HAP Q, all 50fps, all 1920x1200, all mov container, all play fine when not within media proxy. but as pre-split movies they show the render error. There is no preview or thumbnail so far. The files have been coded with Aftereffects and HAP v12. Watchout 6.1.2, Windows 8.1

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Is the show converted from a previous version of Watchout? What happens if you create a new show, add the files as a presplit and try to play, do you still get the same problem? Regarding the color issues, we are talking about output from the display computers, right? Or are you referring to the preview in the production software. Or both? 




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The show is not converted from an older version, it is brand new. The color issue of course is only at the displays, at production computer I just have the default icon for the video-proxy.

HAP 12 shouldn't be the issue because there is no difference in the generated files itself to earlier HAP versions, the difference is only in compatibility to encoder applications.



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