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Midi ShowController


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Hi guys, finally I finished my new app for controlling Watchout production PC.


The application is for windows 8, so if you have time to test it please do so.


The trial app have full functionality.


here the link



Thanks in advance,




P.S. Short video how to use it



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Thanks Jonas,


The final version which I hope to finish in few months will include not only watchout control but wide area of video equipment as projectors, analog way products, Vista/Spyder products and hopefully some others like matrixes


All that coding I'm doing after work in Simul :) , so everyday I spend only 1-2 hours on this.


Hope ppl will like it and will want me to continue development.

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  • Dataton Partner

Thanks, just trying to do the same now for IPAD, but I'm not C-objective programmer, so it might take some time to develop for iOS too.


Can't wait!!! Checked your MC, but really hate Win8 and all aspects of it (feels like a really big and ugly low-end smartphone, but then again, I've really grown into apple products over the last few years. In fact, I only use windows if needed (i.e. WO).  Using an external MidiController at the moment and loving the flexibility of it (AKAI MPK25) in combination with WO. (all those presets and layers at the touch of a button, can't believe I ever ran shows without...).   But your controller on an IPAD... Perhaps not because it's the best option, but because it can... ;-)  Imagine handing a custom designed interface to your client or speaker giving him full control over the aux'es and presets you decide on a slick device ;-)

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... The Generic input has nothing to do with MIDI.


Indeed! It is far more flexible with its floating point target value and optional incremental change

instead of MIDI's simple 128 fixed steps.

And generic input offers  a second option - fading instead of jumping to the new value,

useful in smoothing out course data. 

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Thanks Geogen.


If you do make one for Win 7, I herein confirm I'll buy.

But then even for the Win 8 version, I went to the link you provided, saw the demo, but could not find a download or purchase link.

Was accessing with Win 7 though....maybe that's why the MS site was not friendly with a purchase link.


Thomas Leong

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Doesn't work for me. I get no download link for the app except that which asks me to upgrade to Win8 - and I don't want to!!

Even went to Windows Store and searched for 'MIDI-Showcontroller" and result was "No results were found for: "midi-showcontroller".

Looks like the site 'sees' that I'm using Win7 and locks me out of things for Win8 except for the upgrade option. :(

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Hi geogen,


tried to find your app in Windows store using win8, but there are no search results.

Your link in #1 is fine but no download there!


In contrast to others i can´t understand the excitement around Win8.

It is faster then Win7 and stable as well.

Together with "Classic Start Menu" I can use it just like Win7 and have the ability to use Apps.

No other OS can give you this functionality!


3,99€ is a JOKE for this app, please keep it alive!

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  • Dataton Partner

Doesn't work for me. I get no download link for the app except that which asks me to upgrade to Win8 - and I don't want to!!

Even went to Windows Store and searched for 'MIDI-Showcontroller" and result was "No results were found for: "midi-showcontroller".

Looks like the site 'sees' that I'm using Win7 and locks me out of things for Win8 except for the upgrade option. :(


Yes, as I said, you'd have to be on win8 to see win8 Apps, as it works on iPhone. You won't see iPad Apps if they're not compatible to your iPhone or not even iPhone 5 Apps if you're on iPhone 4s. Guess they feel you won't need it anyway if you can't run it on the machine your searching for it.

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Hi geogen,


thanks for your answer, but something must be wrong.

When opening your link in #1 (using IE10) there is just this link on the left side "Show in Windows Store". No buy or try button.

When pushing the link, nothing happens.

When searching inside the Windowsstore with keywords "midi" or "Controller" nothing can be found.

Could you check this please?

Maybe its only available when os is in English? Can´t imagine, my os is German.

Thanks in advance





Got it! I tried it with my Win8 Tablet.

But still the App can´t be found within Windows Store with keywords.

Maybe my Office-PC couldn´t load it because I have no Touchscreen?

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