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Everything posted by Vollmers

  1. So if I understand you correctly, the Production Computer can be externally controlled by whatever is possible. I get that Watchnet doesn't allow external control, but is it possible to get Watchnet to control the Production Computer? I've tested it, but not with success. Cheers Christian
  2. Honestly - it works the opposite way in all my 3D graphic programs
  3. Hi Just discovered something weird, and I haven't been able to find anything in the documentation. I'm setting up a new show, and I'm including a browser panel created in Watchnet. I don't plan to use it with an Ipad, or any other mobile device, but as an extra control panel for one of the TV Directors on a PC. I discovered that when the Production machine is online, I can't control the cluster from my Watchnet panel. I have to put it offline, in order to get it working again. In my opinion that's a bug. So my question is, what limitations are there to external control of a cluster, regarding Watchout Production, Watchnet, Kinect etc.? And is there a way to work around these issues? Cheers Christian
  4. Hi Just stumbled over something, that might be a bug, or maybe something in Watchout that's working in another way. I've been working with 3D graphic for over 20 years, and normally when you move an object forward in the Z axis, it wil get in front of other objects, with less value in the Z position. Just discovered it works the other way round in Watchout. I've ceated a task, and placed 2 objects. One in layer 1 and one in layer 4. Switched to Z-depth stacking order on both objects. I couldn't figure out why I didn't work, until I reversed the values. Then it worked. Is that a bug or a feature? Cheers Christian
  5. Thx Mike, I'll try that soon. I have found another method though to accomplish what I want
  6. Hi I'm configuring a Watchnet setup, which is controlling a show, which runs with no problems. The issue is, that when I try to control an aux timeline with a string cue, which normally works fine, Watchnet fails, and send a cluster error message: "Failed delivering data: setInput <string> <value> <"value">$0D; String Output "WATCHNET"" of OutPut list (4 7) I have no idea what that means. And as mentioned, the show runs fine in the normal setup. Any ideas? Cheers Christian
  7. I have created a setup, where the basic idea is, that i "arm" or "unarm" the different aux timlines. And if I call another auxtimeline,, it'll unarm the the track I just used. So there are never more than 1 auxtimeline active at a time.
  8. I run v6. What would be the correct string input syntax, if I want to change the ease in/out parameters? Cheers Christian
  9. I agree. and also a compendium of input strings, regarding more advanced processes. I'm designing a huge new TV studio for a 24 hours news station, and at the moment I've achived to use string outputs to control almost all the graphic equipment. But what triggers what? In order to achieve the best timing between calling an effect in WO, and run a realtime graphic element, it matters what element is triggering what. It would also be nice if the compendium included all the combinations when triggering layer conditions with string inputs :-) Best regards Christian
  10. Hi Thomas. I know this an old thread, but what you mentioned sounds like what I'm looking for. I've downloaded the software, but I don't see a way of configuring a TCP/IP connection? If for example I want to make a localhost connection to WO, I would define the IP to :, since the port defined to WO is 3040. Where can you do that? Best regards Christian
  11. Virtual Display did the trick completely Thx to Mike Fahl's excellent tutorial video. It was at first a little hard to comprehend the design phase, but after watching the video, it took me like 5 minutes to make a rough design, and it was exactly what I was looking for. One thing though - this very important feature is not mentioned in the manual. So please update the manual soon. Thanks for all the help Best regards Christian
  12. Hi I'm in the process of creating a new WO show for a TV studio. The challenge is, as always, money. That means that they want to build a huge video wall with varied resolution. It will be build with LCD cubes, and the part in the middle will be HD. The two sorrounding areas will be app. 400 px, or less, in the height. The main challenge is the transport of graphic elements between the different areas. I have already created the animations. and it works ok, but it looks weird, because of the different resolutions. So the idea I have tried to go with, is blurring the graphic, and make it look like an effect. So when the animation stops in the HD area, the blur will be faded of. In After Effects the idea looks great, but I have no idea how to replicate it in WO. I have tried to fiddle with all the tween effects, and tried to mix them, but no luck. Have anyone tried something similar earlier, or have an idea 'bout what to do? Best regards Christian
  13. Hi. Version 6 looks and works great. :-) Unfortunately it seems like the user manual are still for version 5.2. Is the manual updated anytime soon?
  14. Hi Kevin I've build several systems now, with HDSDI cards from Datapath. We used to go with the much cheaper similar cards from Black Magic, but there there was a lot of issues, that weren't fixable, such as start up problems, work arounds etc. So I will definitely recommend Datapath. BTW we have just decided to build a new system, with 2 cards, with 4 HDSDI inputs on each. Best regards Christian
  15. THANKS A BILLION It works like a charm now If you come to ISE this february, I'll buy you a big beer.
  16. Thanks for being available during Christmas. And sorry, to many years in the television industry TC means timcode, and I only mentioned it, to make it clear that I didn't trigger the command cue, on zero in timeline. After posting my question, I realized that using variables was not possible. I've changed the string now, but get an error saying "Failed delivering data". Is it possible to program everything in advance on a production machine, and exucute the strings, to see if it works? As i wrote, I've configured my string output to: to make it run as localhost. And then, of course, change the ip and port, when I import the show to my studie setup. Best regards Christian
  17. Hi I'm trying to create a show, where it is possible to enable/disable layer conditions from a string cue. What I have done so far is this: I made a string output, which in this case is set to TCP - ( localhost ) and to port 3040, which should be the production machine. I now created an aux timline, which on TC 1.0 send this syntax: public var LayerCond:1$0D - and here I want to enable layer 1. I'm not shure if it's possible to use this syntax here, and since it's not working, I'm sure something is wrong Normally I would expect it to be a boolean syntax of some kind. Have anyone tried to do this before?? Cheers Christian
  18. Thanks for the valuable inputs It works know, and then again, it doesn't. I discovered that it seems like Watchout buffers the syntax line, but don't send it. When I open the element in "Output" and press OK, then it sends the command, and everything works. Is there some sort of port or timeout setting for the data connection, that needs to be altered?? Or maybe something else I forgot?? Cheers Chris
  19. Well, I do have the documentation for the other application, and the syntax I send is correct. What I'm note sure of, is if the way I do it from Watchout is correct?? I create a new String output, define it with the corresponding IP adress and port number for the recieving machine. Normally it is done by TCP. I drag the string output, to where I want it to start on the timeline, open it, and write the syntax I know works, and end it with "$0D", as refferred to in the Watchout manual. So as far as I know, the procedure is correct. But obviously it's not, since it doesn't work. The question is maybe more of a general nature: Is it possible to control any other system, if you know it can recieve an external command? Cheers Christian
  20. Well, actually there is, because I can control the external machine, from the same machine I have the Production installed on, It is, though, from another application. I can monitor every single incoming command on the external machine. When I send the same command from Watchout, that works for the other application, I can't see anything. So my first guess was, that I was doing something wrong in Watchout. One of the things I'm uncertain about, is the last part of the syntax, regarding Watchout. I did add the "$0D" digits, according to your description. But to be honest, I'm not really sure what this syntax does, and if I need to change it to something else. /Chris
  21. Hi I'm trying to do something, which I'm not sure will be possible. We have a graphic platform from Vizrt, which can be controlled in a lot of ways. I want to create a String Cue, with this syntax "SendSingleCmd localhost, "RENDERER*MAIN_LAYER*STAGE CONTINUE", 0" You normally communicate with the Vizrt program on port 6100, and as TCP. I'v tried a lot of different ways of writng the syntax, but keep getting the same reply: "Warning: Failed delivering data". I'm sure there's a simple and logical explanation to this. Any ideas?? Cheers Christian
  22. Hi I want to set up a Watchout Image server, but for a lot of reasons, I want to do it on a virtual server. Since it's a virtual server, I can't plug a license dongle in a USB slot, and start the service. What options do I have, regarding this problem? Or is the only way to establish an old school server? Best regards Christian
  23. You could always try to use a program called AutoHotKey ( http://www.autohotkey.com ). I haven't tried it with Watchout, but very successfully with other programs. Best regards Christian
  24. We use the Decklink Quad, but we do sometime experience some issues, regarding to switching inputs. Nothing that can't be solved, but it's only related to the BM configuration. So the question is, which solution is Datatons preferred, the Blackmagic, or the Datapath solution? Cheers Christian
  25. Absolutely. First, how many nodes are you using, with your production PC? You could make the setup, with a single node, depending on what graphic card you have. What you do is, you create 6 displays in the stage, each one present one of the outputs for your 6k wall. Add your media file, and make it fit the 6 display tier, and you're good to go. Best regards Christian
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