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Alex Ramos

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Everything posted by Alex Ramos

  1. Its actually a feature I like to see in WO, live input freeze. Freeze and keep the last frame until unfreeze. Sorry I can't help.
  2. Im using wakemeonlan from NirSoft to get and store the MAC address. wakemeonlan can be used as command line, so Ive cooked it in to a .net app to remotely start and shutdown the system.
  3. Yes its possible. Open a TCP/IP connection ( machine IP, port 3039) to the display you need to shutdown, authenticate and send the powerDown command. ex: "authenticate 1" & vbCrLf & "powerDown" & vbCrLf. this is for VB.net ​You need to do this individually for each machine.
  4. Im sorry for the wrong info, I was convinced otherwise. So this means WO can get 18 output from a FirePro V9100 card ?
  5. What you mean by 1x SDI ? Im using W9000 and theres no SDI output. For watchout all the 3 output from MST are treated as 1, so no edge blending, no geometry, no color correction. There's probably more, but I can't see it now.
  6. The only thing I can say is that Ive used production on Mac, both Parallels and Bootcamp problems free. Worked out of the box in parallels.
  7. In my workflow I never ever use the main time line, only aux time lines. To make sure "heavy" media, specially HD-SDI capture is there when I need it, usually I use opacity. Set it to 0% and create a fast fade in to 100%. Keep the cursor paused at the beginning of the media cue, this way the media is already loaded but hidden, when I hit play it goes smooth. All the video loops and pictures I need during the show are always running in background with opacity 0%. Course the amount of media running in background will depend on the system specks. That's why I usually don't use more than 2 output even though I'm using AMD FirePro V7900 cards.
  8. Come and visit us at Doha, there is a lot to talk about. Some more info on the project. I'm using around 600 timelines, and would need (but have no time) 7500 inputs to make it to my needs. Core i7-3770 CPU 8 GB ram AMD FirePro V7900 AMD S400 sync Sata 1T SSD 128 GB BlackMagic HD-SDI capture 2 and 4 input Asus MB Behringer BCF2000 MIDI Win 7 Home 64bit DVI parrots NEC monitors
  9. Showcase Here is some videos of the installation at BeIn Sports, WC2014
  10. Hi all, I need to sort Inputs by name and/or type "description". Another option is to drag and drop, same way as the aux timelines in the task window. Creating folders inside the Input window is as must. When you need to work with dozens/hundreds of inputs, you need to be able to organize it. I want all the inputs belonging to the same media cue all together, or all the inputs to from size, position,... address to different media cues in a row. How can I read the inputs state from a external app via TCP IP? Your comments, please. Thanks Alex Edit: Another great way to work with inputs would be, ex: 1 - Create a generic input to manage "rotation Y" and call it "rotY" 2 - Assign the input "rotY" to the formula tween of the media cue you need rotation on this axis 3 - Use TCP to control the generic input, " setInput <rotY> <mediacueName><value>[<fadein>]" My proposal is to add this extra string as optional to the setInput command. If you don't include the mediacueName in to the setInput it should work as it is now. This way we only need to create one rotation Y input for all media cues.
  11. Hi, Is there any "hidden" command similar to gotocontrolCue, but referring to the media cues? I have hundreds of media cues I need to jump to, and adding Control cues to all this media is tedious and time consuming work. Thanks Alex
  12. Hi Mike, I don't think I explain myself well. My system was already working when I first posted, I was just looking to improve it, make it more versatile. On this project I have close to 100 nodes. Power off is done by individually sending the powerDown to the display nodes Power up is done by individually sending magic packet to the display nodes MacAdr This operations are coded in to a small App. My gold was to get something similar to: Send a single command to one of the nodes and this one be able to spread it over the network, same way when using the remote control to run the show, it connect to one of the nodes and tis one will control the others.
  13. Thanks, That is a good idea. But I'm looking for a way to do all that outside whatchout, if there's no other way, I guess I will just open individual client connections and send the "powerDown" individually. Start up is done with a magic packet to all machines What I'm doing at the moment is using a small VB app to send WoL and powerDown strings.
  14. I know I can use production to remote shutdown the display node, but this is not the best option for me. What other options do I have to shutdown all (77) machines in my network ? I know I can create a TCP connection to a certain IP, and send a string "authenticate 1" & vbCrLf & "powerDown" & vbCrLf. (Im using VB) Is there a way to shutdown all the nodes creating only on TCP to only one IP ? Can the first node shutdown the rest of the machines ? PS: I cant find my last post about command string to production and displays.
  15. Thanks Mike, I got it working with TCP and reply is working as well. What I need now is a list of all raw text control commands for the production and the display node. The list on the user manual is very in complete. So far I got: Ping authenticate load run halt killgotoTime gotoControlCue enableLayerCond standBy reset setInput delay wait serialPort timecodeMode list Shows getAuxTimelines getControlCues I can see that watchMan API as more, can you please share all possible commands Thanks Alex
  16. Ive been using visual basic to control WO. The control app sends UDP messages. Every thing great regarding sending the commands to production and display nodes, they execute all given commands. But how to get the reply and error messages feedback ? Even when using "[4] run" I gent no reply. Is the reply display node coming to the same 3039 port ? I see on user manual page 257 that we can use TCP, but I only made it to work with UDP. Any help appreciated Thanks
  17. Thanks Jonas, I've tried to reorder the LAN NICs in the Advance menu but still have the same problem. The only way I can get the traffic to go to the correct LAN NIC is to disable the second NIC. Any other suggestions Alex
  18. You can't use a genlock different from the screen frequency. For exemple. Working in a 50hz TV studio, and using WO to drive LCD wall that only work at 60hz, its NOT possible to use house sync. The only option were is to use one of the outputs as Timing server.
  19. I have used 2x BM quad 1080i25 in the same node. Was using 4 nodes to drive a LCD wall, meaning that even if I used the 8 capture at the same time, was never in the same node. I also use Watchout in TV studios, and experience told me to only use one or two capture at same time. If I need more windows I use a DVE trough the vision mixer. I create all the video windows I need in the mixer, 8, 12 or more. Send it to watchout using key and fill from the vision mixer. Like this only using 2 capture in WO.
  20. I know this in not the answer you´re looking but... Do you really need the DIS. Did you try to use an HTTP server instead ? I´m using Nginx to stream 22 pictures to 22 watchpax at the same time. From my experience with DIS and Nginx the big difference is that DIS is constantly updating the display , so if you replace the media file in the DIS the display will be updated automatically and creating a lot of traffic in the network. When using the HTTP server the media is only streamed once when the Cue is loaded in the time line, meaning if you need to replace the source media, in order to update the display you need to re-run the Cue.
  21. Hey all, Some times when using 2 NIC in the production PC, watchout behaves in a stage way. Only the media in Main timeline will display on the nodes, but even this media, if a movie, will only show the first frame. When Ctrl D is pressed will update to a new frame on the display nodes. Any media, movie or still in the AUX timelines will not display. Strange is that this only happens in some machines. One of the NIC is configure to watchout on Static IP 192.168.x.x the other NIC is for accessing the media database and configure as DHCP 10.71.3.x On the production PCs with this problem, only if I disable the second NIC I can get watchout to work properly. Your thoughts on this. Alex
  22. Im using the AMD FirePro W9000 to drive a 40m x 5m 5mm LED screen. and its working great so far. http://www.amd.com/US/PRODUCTS/WORKSTATION/GRAPHICS/ATI-FIREPRO-3D/W9000/Pages/w9000.aspx
  23. Its only around 40 meter. Did you guys try the Blackmagic DVI to SDI extender? And what about display port extenders, I mean the video card is display port and the display can take display port. This will remove the DP to DVI converter from the equation !!
  24. I forgot to include the DVI parrot on the description: firepro -> displayport to DVI converter -> DVI Parrot -> Gefen DVI Over 1 CAT6 -> monitor
  25. Dear all, We need to acquire some signal extender. Either DVI extender or DisplayPort. This will be used to connect a ATI Firepro V7800 to a Samsung video wall the display is equipped with displayPort input and DVI. At the moment I'm using: firepro -> displayport to DVI converter -> DVI Parrot -> Gefen DVI Over 1 CAT6 -> monitor Its not the first or second time that I get a bank screen, the signal fail for about 1 second and comes back again. All machines are working 24/24 Do you have any good experience with extenders ? What brand, model do you recommend ? ...fiber, SDI, CAT, backmagic, gefen, extron ... Thanks in advance. Alex
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