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Windows 10 Tweaking Guide

Guest DavidA

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Guest DavidA

The official Windows 10 Tweaking Guide is now published and is available for free download. The guide describes how to tweak Windows 10 Enterprise for reliable performance with WATCHOUT:


Topics covered:

  • Support, warranty and service
  • Microsoft EULA
  • Install Windows 10 Enterprise
  • Add and remove Windows components
  • Group policies
  • Windows & registry settings
  • Task scheduler

Whether you build WATCHOUT media servers for fixed installs in museums, show rooms, broadcast or for live events in theaters, concert venues or corporate events, this free Windows 10 tweak guide is essential reading.  

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5 hours ago, DavidA said:

Resmi Windows 10 Tweaking Guide yayınlandı ve ücretsiz indirilebilir. Kılavuz, Windows 10 Enterprise'ın WATCHOUT ile güvenilir performans için nasıl ayarlanacağını açıklar:


İşlenmiş konular:

  • Destek, garanti ve servis
  • Microsoft EULA
  • Windows 10 Enterprise'ı yükleyin
  • Windows bileşenleri ekle ve kaldır
  • Grup politikaları
  • Windows ve kayıt defteri ayarları
  • Görev Zamanlayıcısı

İster müzelere, show odalarına, yayınlara, ister tiyatrolarda, konser salonlarında veya kurumsal etkinliklerde canlı kurulumlar için WATCHOUT medya sunucuları oluşturuyor olun, bu ücretsiz Windows 10 tweak kılavuzu temel okumadır.  

It's a very descriptive job. Thank you

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Guest DavidA

Not sure about the footprint, Alex. But LTSB is not available unless you have volume agreement with Microsoft. For the majority of the selv builders, that is not applicable - but for those who can use the LTSB version that would most likely be the best. 

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On 6/19/2018 at 1:11 AM, Luca said:

What's the difference in using windows 10 pro?

I took a look at the group policies to edit and they seem to be there on windows 10 pro too, so what's the point in using enterprise edition?

When I talked to my IT department about that, their thoughts was that the group policies were something that you could change as part of your work group and would get carried through to all computers that join that work group, meaning you'd theoretically need to only set it up once for all computers. If you build it once and image it across all of your builds, the group policies would be carried over anyways, so I'm not sure how it would exactly save on build time.

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I'm having a doubt on some of registry settings.

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectShow\ThreadPriority = highest, HEX: F9 (DWORD)

Means create a new key in \DirectShow\ named "ThreadPriority" and then inside, a DWORD value named "highest" with value HEX: F9 ?

Like this?


Its confusing when compared with:

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Multimedia\SystemProfile\SystemResponsiveness = HEX: 5

[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Multimedia\SystemProfile]

"SystemResponsiveness" =DWORD: 5

Registry file notation should be used to make it clear.

Also what's the /O flag in defrag.exe ?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Moderator
1 hour ago, plandergan said:

Is this just for Display PC's or for Production PCs too?

It is intended for WATCHOUT Display PCs. "...build WATCHOUT media servers ..."

It is perfectly suitable for WATCHOUT Production PCs as well.

As for the WATCHOUT Production PC, my 2¢  Depends on how it is used. If you plan to run the Production PC during live performance playback, then yes, I would recommend you build your Production PC to the Display PC standard. If you plan to produce and then deliver playback in cluster mode (Production PC removed), then no, Windows 10 Pro will  work well enough for WATCHOUT Production PC content assembly, editing and rehearsal.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest DavidA

It is a recommendation. You can use Pro, but you have some benefits using Enterprise. Windows Enterprise has exclusive the option of running LTSB (Long Term Service Branch), and you have the possibility to 100% remove windows upgrade. 

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About windows editions. You can probably use which edition you want. Windows professional editions usually comes with more bloatware and requires more effort when tweaking. Later versions contains more features and has a larger footprint. It's probably easier to obtain a specific version like 1709 for enterprise than pro.

At Dataton we are using Enterprise 1607 LTSB and Enterprise 1709 and will not spend much time to configure and tweak other editions. Also note you will need a volume licensing agreement if you are deploying a clone image to multiple devices.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/14/2018 at 9:37 AM, DavidA said:

The official Windows 10 Tweaking Guide is now published and is available for free download. The guide describes how to tweak Windows 10 Enterprise for reliable performance with WATCHOUT:


Topics covered:

  • Support, warranty and service
  • Microsoft EULA
  • Install Windows 10 Enterprise
  • Add and remove Windows components
  • Group policies
  • Windows & registry settings
  • Task scheduler

Whether you build WATCHOUT media servers for fixed installs in museums, show rooms, broadcast or for live events in theaters, concert venues or corporate events, this free Windows 10 tweak guide is essential reading.  

Hello, Would I be able to use the same tweaking to Windows 10 LSTB?

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  • 1 month later...

I just build a new setup using win 10 and applied the guide on a Win 10 LTSB version. It seems to be working fine until now, but some details bothering me.

I can't use drag and drop to populate the media bin from a windows folder.

I can't use windows search.

I believe that somehow some of the tweaks may be the reason why this features are not working.


Anyone had this issues as well?



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6 hours ago, RBeddig said:

Search will not work if you turn it off in SERVICES as described in chapter 11. Drag and drop should work.

I can live without windows search, no problem. But is there any option I can try to make drag and drop work again? It is painfull to have to add too many media manually.


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