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Alex Ramos

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Everything posted by Alex Ramos

  1. Christopher don't take this the wrong way, but you need to do some research on your one. Use google and youtube. Me and David give you all the info you need in the thread to convert any video to Hap using FFMPEG. About the compression rate, HAP has no adjustable ratio, its fixed, use Hap for good image quality and use HapQ for better quality. 1 -> Download FFMPEG for Windows from ffmpeg win64 2 -> Extract the contents of the Bin folder to your c:/windows/system32/ ignore the other files (This is not the correct way to do, but it's the easiest) 3 -> Place the attached .rar file on you Desktop and extract 4 -> Drag and Drop the original video file to the .bat, the new converted file will be placed on the Desktop Desktop.rar Edit: Hap requires the video resolutions to be multiples of 4. The .bat files will check the resolution of the input file before converting, and if needed change it to the nearest multiple of 4 number. Ex: original video 320x282 after conversion 320x280
  2. Sorry to hear about that. Did you have more than one network card on the production PC? If so, I bet it was it.
  3. You could capture video with Resolume, add what ever Fx and export to WO via NDI
  4. The way I see it, there is no "best". Will depend on hardware capabilities. I'm using ffmpeg to convert files. -> Hap -> 25, 30 or 60fps depends on the playback device -> Hap automatic -> Hap automatic -> Hap Alpha -> HapQ is a higher bitrate, larger files, better quality. Here are my ffmpeg settings: ffmpeg -i [input file] - dn -an -vf yadif -r 25 -vcodec hap -format hap [output file] ffmpeg -i [input file] - dn -an -vf yadif -r 25 -vcodec hap -format hap_alpha [output file] Check for more info: https://ffmpeg.org/documentation.html https://hap.video/ https://vdmx.vidvox.net/blog/hap
  5. Never heard of Win 10 LTSC. On a very simple way, the Windows 10 Enterprise tweaking guide is transforming Win 10 Enterprise into Win 10 Enterprise LTSB.
  6. On the same displays? On the same display machine? Are you using the EDID emulator on the video card? I've read something about recent AMD drivers conflicting with windows 7. Try older drivers 2016, 2017. Have you consider the screens being the culprit and not the display machine.
  7. If your remote controller emulates the keyboard you can use my app to Run and Kill a timeline. I coded this some time ago to use a PerfectCue as trigger for WO. Can be used to control Production Pc or the Cluster without Production. Key to WO2.rar
  8. Possibility to run batch files from within WO. Please check the video as I explain it better. video request
  9. Thanks, I've been following that guide ever since, but I wonder if anyone can elaborate more the reason not to use .ts if used only for video.
  10. Ive been using .m2v for years on my mpeg2 media with no probrems. Now the need for metadata arise, is my understanding that .m2v can only store the video stream. Transport stream is the solution to pack video and data, so Im using .ts Is there any disadvantage for WO .m2v vs .ts ?
  11. The blur may be from the screen itself of some other device in between.
  12. I would go with 3x AMD WX9100 or W9000 with v400 cards for sync. Remember WO only supports one display card per machine.
  13. Do you have PCIx lanes available? or is the card on the correct PCIx slot ?
  14. I'm slowing changing my 50+ machines from Win 7 to Win 10 LTSB. For me the problem with Win 7 is the limitation on some drivers for NVME drives and AMD drivers for 4K outputs. Win 10 must be highly customised to work fine with WO. Follow the: If you have no need to use Win 10 keep using Win 7, don't change a winning team. Even if you need Win 10 for some other applications other then WO, make a dual boot, or get some HDD bay for easy drive swap.
  15. I'm using multiple NICs on production machine, and get lots of random network problems. UDP is sent to both NICs TCP only to the one with the handshake ... The only solution I found consistently working is to start Watchmaker only with the NIC for WO network ON, and after Online start the other NICs. Even setting the NIC priority in windows doesn't work. But still sometimes I run into problems when updating the shows, as the handshake needs to be done again an Watchmaker not always grabs the correct NIC. We need an option in WO to lock to a selected NIC
  16. I would say someone could code a small app to transcode serial to MIDI. Well its already done. Cool.
  17. Nice, Start, Stop, goto 10 and 20 are working but the count down is not with me. Is the source code available?
  18. Not my design, not a designer. Not sure who, some one in the design department of Bein Sports. I only speak machine language.
  19. Not really the answer you looking for. I'm using ffmpeg to encode HAP and MPEG2. Its free, quality is good, its supper fast and best of all I have it on the file contextual menu from windows, just a right click on the file to encode.
  20. Thanks, got it. Copy Paste text was pasting extra characters . Should have paid more attention.
  21. I guess I'm missing something. Whenever I use the -NoLogo flag on watchpoint.exe the autostart.txt is not running. Can't this be used together ?
  22. I would create a new simple show from scratch to debug the system, network and or software. Make sure to also include aux timelines I have similar problems all the time. My productions all have 2 or more NIC. WO must always be started with only the WO NIC on, all other NICs must be off. I can turn it back on, but only after going online with WO. Tried a ton of things to try a solve this problem but never with success. This mater is something I'm waiting Dataton to address many years. We need a way to on WO address all traffic to a specific NIC or NICs in case of multiple cards in a system.
  23. I'm having a doubt on some of registry settings. HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectShow\ThreadPriority = highest, HEX: F9 (DWORD) Means create a new key in \DirectShow\ named "ThreadPriority" and then inside, a DWORD value named "highest" with value HEX: F9 ? Like this? [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectShow\ThreadPriority] "Highest"=DWORD:F9 Its confusing when compared with: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Multimedia\SystemProfile\SystemResponsiveness = HEX: 5 [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Multimedia\SystemProfile] "SystemResponsiveness" =DWORD: 5 Registry file notation should be used to make it clear. Also what's the /O flag in defrag.exe ?
  24. For anyone to help you, you really need to give a lot more info, it can be a lot of thins causing the delay. Can be the drive speed vs file bit rate. Did you try to add an pause cue a the begging of the media, wait a few seconds and then hit play?
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