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Everything posted by jfk

  1. So that would appear to rule out WATCHOUT and the movie file. With those items verified, and the same movie specs play smoothly in ProRes but not in HAP, that truly is unusual. Hard to guess where your build has gone awry. I have never heard of the gpu driver affecting smooth playback, color issues yes, but not smooth playback issues. I defer to those who build PC servers ...
  2. For information about Dubai contact https://www.prolabllc.com/contact-us/
  3. Your screenshot chops the filename extension, so even that basic information as to what codec you are using is missing. If you wish to compare other video players, be sure to disable hardware decoding in the player for a more useful comparison. WATCHOUT only uses software decoding on customer servers. (WATCHPAX, offers hardware decoding as a setting in the media item.)
  4. https://www.dataton.com/training/upcoming-academies
  5. That is too big for a default single chunk HAP, if is encoded with one chunk what you describe is expected. How many chunks are you using? Frame rate factors into the chunk requirement as well, what is the frame rate? For 11,000 x 1080 @ 60p I would try six chunks.
  6. Sounds like what happens if you install VLC on the computer, Anyway, WATCHOUT version? Is it happening on Production (watchmaker) or Display (watchpoint)? Do the videos play with color issues? Same on both watchmaker and watchpoint? Please describe the actual problem in useful detail.
  7. A windows background task (like disc indexing, checking for updates, etc) may be the cause. These tasks may run when Windows determines there is no activity.
  8. Very true. We deny quite a few spam submissions. Recently legitimate users accounts have been hacked and spam posts submitted. We were able to block the spam and notify the users to update their passwords. Another spam technique we have been catching is new accounts submitting what look like legitimate posts that are actually copies of old posts from others. If approved, they come back and edit the post to change it to spam. While new submissions are moderated, edits are not moderated. But we have caught them anyway.
  9. Without the quotation marks and without the space - yes. i.e. run$0D
  10. Those brackets break the command. The brackets designate a command ID tag, so actually there is no command in that transmission. Remove the brackets. Port 3040 is correct if the IP address is for a backup watchmaker station.
  11. Dataton has specifically stated that September 1, 2023 is the release date.
  12. No. As Rainer states above, he builds servers that handle the task. Your struggles point out the challenges of building and certifying PC computers for the dedicated media server task. That is the principle reason Dataton builds WATCHPAX - to remove that burden from media producers.
  13. Looks like whatever is connected to System In is suspect.
  14. Well that clearly brings into question your power source. Can you be more specific than “… connected it to my projectors …” What kind of projectors? Model number of the PAX adaptor? Aged Ektagraphic IIII projectors are notorious for bad accessory power. Are you using a Dataton 24 VAC supply? PAX can derive power from a system connector and they can send power via the other system connector. So describe the system cable path (if any).
  15. ??? Entering standby does not impact displays. Standby works on layers. All layers that are not marked standby are set to 0 opacity, layers marked as standby become 100% opacity. The significant thing about standby layers is they consume resources even when you are not in standby, standby content is loaded at 0 opacity when you are not in standby mode. So if you want a virtual display to remain intact while in standby, create a layer, set it to standby, and put a virtual display cue on that standby layer. Make as many standby layers as you need to add the images you want to appear in standby.
  16. The technique varies based on the specific requirements. Often, when each new task is started the timeline also includes Control Cues to send stop to any / all timelines it might potentially replace. BTW The Timeline setting for stacking order may come into play on how the transitions behave visually.
  17. Based on your question, I should also point out the significance of the load command. You can not perform a gotoTime without first loading a show. If the show was already loaded by watchmaker, you do not have an established cluster until you have successfully executed a load command. Does not matter if watchmaker has already loaded it, you need to successfully send load to establish your cluster.
  18. Most likely, watchmaker has not released watchpoint. Restart watchpoint and try again. Any time i go online with watchmaker, upon returning to cluster control, I always restart watchpoint. The developers say you don’t need too. I find everything is stable and repeatable with the extra precaution. I may use watchmaker for power control or to remote into watchpoint while in cluster operation. But anytime I go online, when I am done with changes, I restart watchpoint. The Re-launch selection in watchpoint will suffice.
  19. Based on the limited information provided, most likely cause is multiple NICs in the troublesome watchmaker station (production pc). To check, disable all NICs except the NIC used for WATCHOUT (wifi is the most common “other NIC”). If that returns normal function, you will need to make the WATCHOUT NIC first in Windows NIC priority, then you may re-enable the other NICs. An even faster test is to manually jump the timeline to a new position. playing to a new position will not work, you must click on a new position to jump the timeline to a place where media appears on the stage preview for the display in question. If the frozen image appears on the display after a jump, then multiple NICs are the issue and Windows NIC priority must be corrected to eliminate the issue. This test will not restore normal function, it will simply help identify the probable cause.
  20. Please clarify. Are you saying … - one auxiliary timeline is running with video and audio - an additional timeline with video and audio is started. It’s video appears (covering the previous timelines video), you still the hear the previous timeline audio That is normal. Auxiliary timelines / tasks are not mutually exclusive. There are many applications where multiple independent timelines are needed. If you want a running timeline to stop, you need to program it to stop. Triggering from MIDI is incidental, it does not matter how you start the auxiliary timeline.
  21. Awfully big (and restrictive) “if” there. Frames become ambiguous when a show contains multiple video clips with different frame rates, which occurs quite often in WATCHOUT shows. Video editing software is unrelated to the playback display frame rate, something WATCHOUT must deal with, and does so fairly seamlessly. 1/24 (0.042) or even 1/60 (0.017) of a second is fairly course compared to 0.001 second, which may come into play with other areas of WATCHOUT (inputs, outputs, etc). I guess such video restrictive software could introduce sub frames to become more precise, but i can not see that as easier than decimal time. I understand the restrictive “video time” makes things easier within that focused task, but the WATCHOUT developers are dealing with a broader set of requirements.
  22. First off, lines 3 and 5 are errors as they are missing the trailing double quote mark. A possible cause of a failed autostart.txt script execution is an error in the shortcut that starts watchpoint.exe If the shortcut "Starts In" field is incorrect, watchpoint will not find the script, as that entry tells watchpoint where to find the script file.
  23. WATCHOUT is inflexible in the way it deals with multiple NICs, but it is incorrect to state it can not be used on a computer with several adapters. For the purpose of troubleshooting it makes sense to temporarily eliminate any non-WATCHOUT adapters. But once it is determined that a single adapter eliminates an issue, other adapters can be enabled after adjusting the Windows parameters that determine NIC order.
  24. I can think of at least six different definitions of a “video frame”. Decimal time is unambiguous. If you want to read timeline position in video frames crate a Timeline position display in the status window, click on the time and select the video format of your choice.
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