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PJLink protocol


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We're looking for a way to control (shutter on/off, etc.) our projectors from the Watchout production pc. Is this possible with the PJLink protocol? I've tried it by adding a string cue on the timeline with the PJLink command, but I can't seem to get it to work. Tried it with a PJLink test program and it works flawlessly. Is it possible?



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I've solved it by using this document: http://pjlink.jbmia.or.jp/english/data/PJLink Specifications100.pdf which describes which values I can use (and checked the projector manual for the right possibilities). I can now for example power down a Panasonic PT-D5700 by using a string cue which contains the value %1POWR 0$0D. I've used the output window to make a connection to the projector: I've filled in the correct IP-adress and port (for the D5700 I had to use port 4352 over TCP).

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all,

I'm going to set-up a show in which I need to send some remote controls to Panasonic projectors (PT-DZ6710 and PT-DZ110X ).

Both use the same control commands and the same protocol.

I set a TCP output, set the IP and port and set the command string (for example shutter On is "00OSH:1$0D").

The first time i send this command, it seems the projector don't receive it, the second time watchout shows a warning that says that the command was not sent and the 3rd time it works.

So, every command I want to send, I have to send it 3 times: the 1st one doesn't work at all, the 2nd always displays a warning and the 3rd always work.


It's a strange thing, isn't it?

Maybe I'm doing something wrong.

Panasonic, barco and Christie are probably the widely used projectors, so maybe someone can give me a hint...




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  • 3 weeks later...

I red that topic but the command i found there doesn't work:

with PT-DZ6710 and PT-DZ110X the communication is on port 1024 and not 4352.

The syntax for a power On is "00pon" and for example for the shutter to go on is "00osh:1" then an "enter" ($0D watchout hexadecimal code).


If I create a TCP/IP output communication, with the correct IP and Port and then create a command




I have to "play" it 3 times before getting it work. at the 3rd time i play that command and only at every 3rd time, it works.


I tried to control another device: a power IP interruptor which can be controlled through web links (so I used GET http command) and even this device, can be controlled by sendig 3 times the same command...


edit: I don't know what the "%1" prefix used in the command on the thread linked above means, but in my situation, if i place the %1 code before my command, it doesn't work at all

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Off-hand, if the command(s) you are sending works, albeit on the 3rd try, then the command is essentially correct.

It is then likely that the port or TCP/IP link is at fault the first two times, either from the Panasonic end, or the Watchout PC end, or at the router/switcher/hub.

Difficult to narrow down unless you can monitor at each stop the in-coming signal.


The workaround at this point, without wasting more time on it, is to put 3 instances of each command in Watchout's Timeline, staggered at say, 0.1 - 0.5seconds apart. WO will then send the command 3 times at those intervals, and the 3rd should work.

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I've downloaded and browsed through the manuals for the PT-DZ6710 and PT-DZ110X. The latter is more detailed compared to the manual for the DZ6710.

Referring to page 95 of the DZ-110XE manual for the Network Setup, it appears that there are 3 ways to control the projector: Web, PJ-Link, and RS-232 Command.


Shot in the dark:

Since you said you have to send the command 3 times, and it always responds on the 3rd time, perhaps the projector is cycling through its protocol for each send it receives - Web first, then PJ-Link, then RS-232 Command - and finds that the 3rd protocol corresponds with your commands, then responds to it. So I think you have to navigate to this Network Settings menu, and SET the protocol to the third RS232 Command, Save, then try a send from Watchout.


The other forum post that I referred you to, used PJ-Link because he mentioned that he used %... in one of his commands. From the PJ-Link specifications 100.pdf, it says "All PJLINK command lines, without exception, start with ‘%’. If it has not worked for you, I reckon you have not selected PJ-Link as the protocol to use for the projector.

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Yep, according to the DZ-110XE manual pages 119-120, you have been using RS232 rather than PJ-Link since you mention 00pon for power on, and 00osh:1 for shutter execute.


As I said earlier, most times it is syntax error on the user part. For example, I don't know what the 00 is before pon, and also before osh:1 (Note it is the letter o, not numeral 0, in the command osh). According to the Basic Format given on page 119, it should be -

02ZZ;PON03$0D (read as: zero 3ZZ semi-colon;capital PON with letter O, not number 0 followed by zero 3 then Watchout's requirement for the carriage return $0D as in zero D)

but since the start and end bytes are hex codes and output from Watchout requires that hex be preceded with a $ sign, I think it should actually be -



Some serials are case sensitive, so I've used capitals where so given in the manual.

The only doubt I have in the above is the Projector ID syntax. I have used the string ZZ to identify ALL projectors. I could be wrong (and without a projector to test, I'm only guessing).


For shutter control, try -

02ZZ;OSH:103$0D (where value 1 is for shutter execute, and value 0 is for shutter end (I presume on and off, respectively.)




Note: No command can be sent or received for 60 secs when the projector lamps have just started.


As an after-thought, perhaps the PJLink protocol is easier to use as the PJLink Specification 100.pdf document gives clear examples of the syntax to use for every command.

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  • 1 year later...
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Panasonic PJLink - projector control


Just had to work with a pair of Panasonic PT-DW6300 projectors.

Couple of notes.


If necessary, remove administrator password.


The TCP connection port is fixed at 4352.

There is a command control port setting, which confused me,

but that port setting is not related to PJLink.

It is necesary to enable PJLink control.



The Command port setting is not related to PJLink and does not matter,

PJLink port is fixed at 4352.


Of course, the network settings need to be in the same subnet as the WATCHOUT system.

Typically, the gateway setting should be left blank.



Each projector in a system must have a unique IP address,

and that is the only form of addressing required for PJLink.


Strings we used successfully.


Shutter close (picture mute)

%1AVMT 31$0D


Shutter open

%1AVMT 30$0D


DVI input select

%1INPT 32$0D

VGA input select
%1INPT 12$0D
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So I'm about at my wits end on this problem. I'm currently running a Panasonic DZ21KU projector. I've been trying to get Watchout to accept Shutter commands via RS232 and/or TCP but both are not working. I've run a COM Port Test program and have sent the shutter commands successfully from the display computer to the Projector it's attached to, and I've also been able to log into the Projector from a browser and send commands from the Panasonic Interface via Cat5 so I know the Projector, the adapter, and the IP all are correct. Current version of Watchout is 5.3.1 on all PCs. But still, nothing when I send it through Watchout. Here's a breakdown of what I'm doing.



Confirmed I'm in COM1

Verified my USB to Serial Drivers

Baud Rate is 9600, No Parity, All other settings match Projector from the Projector Menu

Tried commands for Shutter IN:

[sTX] OSH:1 [ETX]$0D

{STX} OSH:1 {ETX}$0D

02 OSH:1 03 $0D

/02 OSH:1 /03 $0D

All the above without spaces

None of these work in a Task or Composition Timeline.

Tried another display computer, no luck.


For LAN:

Disabled the admin password

Set Port to 4352

Set IP to in both Watchout and on the Projector and clicked the Save Settings button on the Projector

Gateway set to


RJ Link is Enabled

Tried UDP and TCP

Pinged the computers from the Projector Browser software successfully

Using the command %1AVMT 31%0D to Shutter


Anyone have an idea?


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....Pinged the computers from the Projector Browser software successfully

Using the command %1AVMT 31%0D to Shutter

Anyone have an idea?


That command string is incorrect. Should be:

%1AVMT 31$0D


Projector browser software is not PJLink BTW.

While that confirms the connection, 

it does not confirm the projector is properly setup for PJLink operation.

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  • 8 months later...
  • Moderator

So I'm about at my wits end on this problem. I'm currently running a Panasonic DZ21KU projector. I've been trying to get Watchout to accept Shutter commands via RS232 and/or TCP but both are not working. I've run a COM Port Test program and have sent the shutter commands successfully from the display computer to the Projector it's attached to, and I've also been able to log into the Projector from a browser and send commands from the Panasonic Interface via Cat5 so I know the Projector, the adapter, and the IP all are correct. Current version of Watchout is 5.3.1 on all PCs. But still, nothing when I send it through Watchout. Here's a breakdown of what I'm doing.



Confirmed I'm in COM1

Verified my USB to Serial Drivers

Baud Rate is 9600, No Parity, All other settings match Projector from the Projector Menu

Tried commands for Shutter IN:

[sTX] OSH:1 [ETX]$0D

{STX} OSH:1 {ETX}$0D

02 OSH:1 03 $0D

/02 OSH:1 /03 $0D

All the above without spaces

None of these work in a Task or Composition Timeline.

Tried another display computer, no luck.


Anyone have an idea?


Start of transmission aka STX = $02      End of transmission aka ETX = $03


So the above command string should look like this in WATCHOUT ...




I would be a bit surprised if the carriage return is needed when ETX is used,

but if the above does not work, try it with the carriage return added.



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  • 1 year later...



I've searched through the forum looking for answer to the problem I'm having right now with watch out and two panasonic projectors and couldn't find what I need.


I'm trying to open and close the shutter from the timeline in watch out.  I got both projectors to close once and then it wouldn't continue to work.  I took the admin password away for the panasonics….still didn't work. 


Using these two strings:


to close:

%1AVMT 31$0D


to open

%1AVMT 30$0D


Any thoughts on how I can the my panasonics and watch out to communicate?



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What Panasonic projector is it, specifically?

To me it seems like it ought to work.


As I and JFK said in this recent thread on the forum:


Jonas: http://forum.dataton.com/topic/1421-internal-dowsing-tcp-commands/?p=5698


By searching the Forum for "Panasonic", "PJlink" and "Panasonic control", I found this:
is a "how to" for setting up and controlling the dowser of Panasonic projectors using the PJlink protocol.
Hope this helps,
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Those are the correct strings. I usually put them in a task. 1 for open, 1 for closed. In that timeline, I put 2 copies of the command. 1 at .2 seconds, 1 at .7 seconds as a backup. They need some space or you will confuse the projector.  Also, search PJLink on the forum. JFK has a great tutorial with pics.

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Hi all,


Thanks for the suggestions, and links etc. We've tried everything and it still doesn't work through watchout. We can use a separate program and can make it work so through process of elimination it's watchout that's not working.

We're using 2 Panasonic pt-dz870u


We also know quite a few other people having this problem with panasonics and watchout.


Any other advice would be most welcome.



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As you can see here, there are quite a few collegues here on the Forum,

who have successfully made this work.

So we know it works to control a Panasonic projector from within WATCHOUT.

It would be interesting hear back from you, what the issue where?


Just a final thought, all Display PC:s tweaked according to our guidelines?

Firewall/UAC/Windows Defender all OFF?



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